

阿代尔 沪江英语 2023-04-10


上周末,扮演Haley的女演员萨拉·海蓝德(Sarah Hyland)在加州圣巴巴拉的某处酒庄和相恋五年的男友威尔斯·亚当斯(Wells Adams)结婚啦!

《摩登家庭》的卡司们也已经迫不及待在社交媒体上放出了参加婚礼的照片~ 看到大家在剧集完结后再次重聚,真是感慨万千!

The pair were surrounded by family and friends, including Hyland's Modern Family costars Nolan Gould, Sofia Vergara, Julie Bowen and Jesse Tyler Ferguson.这对夫妇被家人和朋友包围,包括《摩登家庭》的主演们——诺兰·古德、索菲亚·维加拉、朱莉·鲍温和杰西·泰勒·弗格森。


“There are some episodes of Modern Family that I do not remember filming because I was asleep,” Hyland said. The episode where her character asks her younger brother Luke for cash is one she has no recollection of, for example. “The entire episode I was asleep,” she said. “It was right before my first transplant…You have to [be] a certain level of sick in order to receive a transplant. So I was reaching that certain level of sick. I was not able to be awake for, like, eight hours at a time. I was so exhausted all the time.”“有几集我甚至都不记得我拍过了,因为我睡着了,”海蓝德说。例如,她的角色向她的弟弟卢克要钱的那一集,她就不记得。“整集拍摄期间我都睡着了,”她说。“那是在我第一次肾脏移植之前... 你必须病到一定程度才能接受移植,所以我那时真的病得很严重,我无法醒来,有一次我睡了8个小时,我一直都筋疲力尽。”

尽管身体抱恙,萨拉依旧出色地完成了《摩登家庭》的拍摄,剧中扮演Haley母亲的朱丽·鲍温(Julie Bowen)也对萨拉的敬业态度表示非常敬佩!
Bowen noted that she remembered Hyland going through these health struggles, saying she would see Hyland doubled over in pain during series filming. Despite this, she remembers her on-screen daughter maintaining a professional attitude, for which she commended her. 鲍温说,她记得海蓝德曾经历过这些健康问题,拍摄期间,她的痛苦翻倍。尽管如此,她记得海蓝德依旧保持着专业的态度,鲍温真的很赞赏这一点。
While Bowen was incredibly proud of Hyland for her determination and grit, she was sympathetic as well. “You had to climb a mountain,” she told Hyland.虽然鲍温为海蓝德的决心和毅力感到无比自豪,但她也很同情她。“你必须爬一座山,”她告诉海蓝德。


Hyland was diagnosed with kidney dysplasia as a young child and received a kidney transplant from her father in April 2012. That kidney failed after a few years, leading to a second kidney transplant in September 2017, donated by her younger brother, Ian. 海蓝德小时候被诊断出患有肾发育不良,并于2012年4月接受了父亲的肾移植手术。几年后,该肾脏失效了,她的弟弟伊恩在2017年9月捐献了肾脏,海蓝德进行了第二次肾移植。
Hyland is on regular anti-rejection medicines and steroids to ensure that her body does not reject her donated kidney; consequently, Hyland has difficulty maintaining weight and muscle mass, and has been put on bed-rest several times, sometimes continuing to film Modern Family simultaneously.她还要定期服用抗排斥药物和类固醇,以确保她的身体不会排斥捐赠的肾脏;因此,海兰德难以维持体重和肌肉质量,经常需要卧床休息,有时还需要同时进行《摩登家庭》的拍摄。 

In a December 2018 Self magazine article, Hyland said she had contemplated suicide because she felt she was a burden on her family and blamed herself for her body rejecting her father's kidney. Since birth, she has undergone 16 surgeries to improve her health, including numerous kidney surgeries and a laparoscopic surgery to treat her endometriosis.在2018年12月的《Self》杂志文章中,海蓝德说她曾考虑过自杀,因为她觉得自己是家人的负担,并责备自己的身体排斥父亲的肾脏。自出生以来,她接受了16次手术以改善她的健康,包括多次肾脏手术和腹腔镜手术以治疗子宫内膜异位症。

“I was very depressed,” she said. “When a family member gives you a second chance at life, and it fails, it almost feels like it’s your fault. It’s not. But it does. For a long time, I was contemplating suicide, because I didn’t want to fail my little brother like I failed my dad.”“我非常沮丧,”她说。“当一个家庭成员给了你第二次生命的机会,但还是失败了,你会觉得是你的错,尽管它不是,但确实会感觉如此。很长一段时间内,我都在考虑自杀,因为我不想像辜负我父亲那样辜负我的弟弟。”

Hyland dated her Geek Charming co-star Matt Prokop for four years after meeting in 2010. In August 2014, Hyland obtained a domestic violence temporary restraining order against Prokop for physically and verbally abusing her throughout the four years of their relationship. In October of that same year, the restraining order became permanent.2010年,海蓝德和共同出演电影《怪诞俏女郎》的男主马特·普罗考普(Matt Prokop)相遇,两人约会了四年。2014年8月,海蓝德获得了针对普罗靠谱的家庭暴力临时限制令,理由是在他们四年的关系中对她进行身体和口头虐待。同年10月,这一限制令具有了永久效应。

Hyland says Prokop also threatened to set one of her homes on fire -- and threatened that she would never see her dog again. After Hyland broke up with Prokop, she claims he "relentlessly bombarded me with vile, threatening and emotionally disturbing texts and voice mails including his own suicide threats."海蓝德还说普罗考普还威胁要放火烧她的房子——并威胁说她再也见不到她的狗了。分手后,海蓝德说普罗考普“无情地用卑鄙、威胁和令人不安的短信和语音邮件轰炸我,包括他自己的自杀威胁。”

在此之后,萨拉还和共同出演电影《吸血鬼学院》的男演员多米尼克·谢尔伍德(Dominic Sherwood)约会过两年,最终两人还是遗憾分手。

时间来到2017年,萨拉和如今的丈夫威尔斯·亚当斯(Wells Adams)开始约会。
好的恋人真的有治愈性作用!威尔斯一直陪在她身边,和她一起走过了人生的至暗时刻,可能正是这次契机,让萨拉确定了他就是那个Mr. Right!
“He was texting me in the morning before I went into surgery, and we were FaceTiming the entire time I was in the hospital. He’s seen me at my worst. He was there through all of that,” she said. “I think that’s why I feel the most beautiful in his eyes, because he still finds me beautiful after seeing all that.”“他在我做手术前的早上给我发短信,而我在医院的整个过程中都在用 FaceTime通话。他看到了我最糟糕的一面。他经历了这一切,”她说。“我想这就是为什么我觉得他眼中的我是最美的,因为他看到这一切后,仍然觉得我很漂亮。”


“It’s not shameful,” she says. “For anybody that wants to reach out to somebody but doesn’t really know how because they’re too proud or they think that they’ll be looked upon as weak, it’s not a shameful thing to say. It’s not a shameful thing to share.”

Adams proposed to Hyland in summer 2019 after almost two years of dating. The couple originally planned to wed in August 2020, but delayed the nuptials multiple times due to COVID-19 concerns amid the pandemic. In August 2021, Adams said that he and Hyland were "hoping" to get married in 2022 — but he also teased that they were "gonna go to Vegas or the courthouse" to wed if another setback hit.经过近两年的约会,亚当斯于2019年夏天向海蓝德求婚。这对夫妇最初计划在2020年8月结婚,但由于新冠流行期间对于病毒的担忧,多次推迟了婚礼。2021年8月,亚当斯说他和海蓝德“希望”在2022年结婚——但他也开玩笑说,如果还结不成,他们干脆“去拉斯维加斯或法院”结婚算了。

"We are practical," she said. "We own a house together. We have our dogs together, and we've been celebrating this journey of life supporting one another for almost five years now. So I don't think a lot is going to change." Hyland also insisted that she was taking planning for the couple's special day "one step at a time" and didn't "really have a lot of time to think about it." "I'm really excited to be able to — on paper, officially— start our family," she added.“我们很务实,”她说。“我们一起拥有一座房子,一起养狗,近五年来我们一直在庆祝这相互支持的生活之旅。所以我认为不会有很多改变。”海蓝德还说她正在“一步一步”为特殊日子做计划,并没有“真的花很多时间去考虑”。“我真的很高兴能够正式开始我们的家庭,”她补充道。



dysplasia /dɪsˈpleɪʒə/  n. 异型增生,发育不良,发育异常steroid /ˈsterɔɪd/ n. 类固醇undergo /ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ/  v. 经历,经受shameful /ˈʃeɪmfl/ adj. 丢脸的,可耻的relentlessly / rɪˈlentləsli/ adv. 坚韧地,不屈不挠地;残酷无情地;不停地;未减轻地

英文部分摘自PEOPLE: Sarah Hyland Reveals She Had a Second Kidney Transplant and 'Was Contemplating Suicide' / PEOPLE: Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams Are Married!








